The first plant for the front yard has been purchased! It is Leucadendron ‘Jester’.
I came across this plant just before Christmas when I was visiting a friend in Big Sur. The morning was magical…bright, the air crisp and clear, and heavy dew drops sparkled everywhere.
Then I saw it.
This plant seemed to be the very Source of Light for this glorious morning. I had my picture taken next to it so I could recall its size and shape because I did not know the name at the time and would research it.
Mine is a young, small but promising 5 gallon plant. Where ever this plant is in a garden would be a position of prominence, because Jester makes it so. I will plant this on the west side of the yard, nearer the sidewalk, between the patio and split rail fence.
But first I’m off to purchase more plants! Photos to follow.